Re: Post #20884...does anyone have any suggestions for the questions I asked? Thanks!

I don't think you need to refrigerate them--just keep them stored air-tight.

You might be able to put them back in the baking pan if you can cover it securely enough.

I'd cover the pan & keep them whole. My only concern would be that they might get

soft over time. (Pumpkin holds a lot of moisture.) If you keep them uncut, you can pop the pan back in the oven to "refresh" them.

With the drizzle on top you do NOT want to reheat them, it'll get ugly. I'd cut 'em right

before leaving home, layer them on parchment in a good solid container, then transport. You can plate when you get to your destination. Bring some of the drizzle along so you can repair anything that looks wonky.
