Read any good food related books...of the non-cookbook variety? I've been listening to


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Julia Child's "My Life in France" and it's lovely.

I've also been reading "Organic, Inc." which is terribly interesting (like a car wreck.) I'll never eat another non-organic strawberry again....

And I just got an advanced copy of "Edges of Bounty," due out in November. The writing and stories are just lovely. (It's the kind of book that makes me wonder why I bother to write at all...) LOL!

I'm on a bit of a non-cookbook, yet food based book binge lately. Any others you can recommend?

Have you read Chez Moi by Agnes Desarthe?

A young mother, estranged from her family opens a small restaurant in Paris. It's a short book, but rich in food, character and plot.

Traca, I have enjoyed "Five Quarters of the Orange," by Joanne Harris (Chocolat Author)

Is this a good book? Marco's reputation is legendary! I've resisted reading that one

because I didn't want to buy into the whole "I'm a jerk...and you love me, don't you???"

Nearly finished with Julia Child's "My Lif in France" and it's fabulous. Really interesting to hear

about her early years and budding culinary interest after WWII, developing the cooking school and recipes...then deciding to write a book. Her progression is really fascinating and I love her insights. Definitely a worthwhile read. (I got it on and if you listen to it, the narrator is really good too.)
