Reading a recipe from Pierre Herme and I am confused about a part of the recipe


Well-known member
When making the whipping cream it calls for folding in the sugar. Wouldn't the whipped cream granular because the sugar has not blended into the cream?

Using a hairdryer, warm the cake ring and lift it off the cake

Whip cream till medium-peak

Fold in sugar

Using a metal spatula, cover the sides of the cake with a coating of whipped cream

Decorate the cake anyway you like

Serve cake now, or keep in fridge for up to 4 hours

Oliver, I have an expensive Pierre Herme pastry book and it is TERRIBLE when

translating french recipes (on the right side of the book) to the english version (on the left side). Obviously no one proof-read that book because I've found at least 20 grammatical errors and I'm a mere mortal. Imagine what I would have found if I could actually READ the french recipe and ensure the English was accurate.

So whip the cream but NOT until stiff, add the sugar and beat until stiff. The sugar should dissolve. (unless? is it powdered sugar...because that would dissolve easier than granulated). Perform the steps as you would normally would. Use your instincts and don't take his recipe instructions as gospel. I have a $160 (used, no less) recipe book that proves this point.
