RECIPE: Realized I could make this sometime soon: REC: Pasta with Foie Gras & Wild Mushrooms

Yep, one of those economy meals. Good to know that Oregon is cultivating

truffles. They are trying it here too but I have not heard yet how successful the attempts are.

California customers -- Please note that, as of January 7, 2015, the California ban on foie gras has

been overturned. The sale of foie gras within the state of California is now legal.
This recipe sounds delicious, is d'artagnan the best place to buy the Foie Gras cubes?

It's milder than chicken liver by a whole lot, it's really buttery and then at the end

there's that liver aftertaste that, to me, is quite pleasant! I've made this with duck, and I had a bag of foie chunks (!!!) from D'Artagnan that were really amazing to use. I put them inside burgers once.

D'Artagnan has good foie selection but the shipping cost is high

because they fedex overnight it. Hudson Valley also ships it. The only CA producer closed up, I miss them. Fatted Calf sells it too at their Napa and SF shop, my local butcher 4505 Meats does and also Bi Rite markets for special orders.

I've decided though that I like the terrines much better than seared torchons or medallions. mmmm pate.

there is a recipe for "cannelles" in that blog up above "Manger" where she puts a cube of

fois gras into the center of the meatballs. interesting.
