RECIPE: REC: Bainnecor Liqueur T&T



Well-known member
this is from Folk Wines, Cordials & Brandies by

M. A. Jagendorf. this is unusual and really good, of course. it's Irish and a very old recipe with a "delicious, indescribably fine flavor."

Bainnecor Liqueur (milk liqueur)

original recipe:

3 lbs sugar

2 quarts grade A milk - whole

1 qt pure alcohol (190 proof)

1 lemon

1 oz vanilla beans

Pour the milk into a gallon jar. cut the lemon into small pieces, don't waste any of the juice, and add the lemon and the juice to the milk. Add the alchol and the sugar and then the vanilla. shake thouroughly and allow to stand for 2 - 3 weeks.

filter through paper and bottle.

the original recipe tends to be a little too sweet so use 3/4 lb sugar and 1 1/2 quarts milk. the curds can be used in a dessert or with fresh berries.

you can get 190 proof grain alchol in your liquor

store. (it comes with a warning on the label) but I think 100 - 150 proof would work fine. it is a liqueur so you won't be drinking large glasses.

it's really, really good.


hi Rick, use the link here. when you start your search...

go by "author's of posts" and just use rvb. that should bring up all your posts.

there's lots so it will take time to get through them. it's a trip down memory lane. babies being born, graduations, prom's, weddings, Marg's inlaws and, unfortunately, deaths. we all went through so much together. I laughed and cried a lot.

what a HUGE gift Mimi and Finer Kitchens have given us. once again there is a place to share recipes and life together.

have fun in the archives.... smileys/smile.gif

Randi, when you look at swap archives are you able to access "previous" and "next", or do you

have to go back and do a new search? I find that when I click on either of those it sends me to the new archives that just list everything under "guest" as the author. Just wondering if there's a way to get around having to go back and type in a new search each time (for "next" and "previous", I mean)

Jada, when you do a search in Kitchen Seek, right click on the post you want to open...

If you right-click, and highlight "Open in new window", the post will open up in a separate window. Then, when you're done, close the window, and your search results will still be in an open window.

Now, if you want to look at a previous message, next message or a resonse to a message, you have to manually alter the url up in the address box.

For example, if you open post #52791, the address is:

If you want to open the first response to that post, add in a slash and the response # in the address box, right before the ".html" part:

To open the response to the response instead, add "/1/1" before the ".html" part, like this:

To open the previous nessage, just change the post number in the url,like this:

Hope this helps!
