RECIPE: REC: Cauliflower in Curry Butter with Cashews - this recipe came with my produce box last week...



Well-known member
Made a nice dinner with brown rice (one of my more virtuous dinners if you ignore the butter in here, but what's life without a little butter anyways?)...

Cauliflower in Curry Butter with Cashews

1 head of cauliflower, trimmed into florets

2-4 T butter or canola oil

1 1/2 t curry powder

1 lime, juiced

1/4 c raw cashews

3 T chopped cilantro

Salt & pepper to taste

Steam cauliflower to desired tenderness. Place cashews into a hot pan (no oil) and toss until toasted, being careful not to burn. Set cashews aside. In the same pan, heat the butter or oil, curry, lime juice and cilantro, toss well. Add steamed cauliflower, toss and garnish with cashews. Season with salt & pepper. Great served over Basmati rice or potatoes.

from Bay Area Organic Express.

I used roasted & salted cashews, and it didn't seem to make any difference.
