RECIPE: REC: Cheese Burger Buns -- these sounded good! Read reviews at bottom, too

Let us know how they turn out. It would be great to bake your own hamburger and hot dog buns.

Report on these cheese burger buns

The dough did not seem a moist and sticky so I probably should have added a tad more water.

It didn't state to melt the butter so I didn't - just let it come to room temp and cut it into tiny slivers. Think next time I will melt.

Dough wasn't as moist as I thought it would be so maybe I should have added a little more water.

Other than that, they were delicious but not as light as regular buns.

Oh - I used finely grated cheddar.

I think the big difference was not melting the butter - it would have made it moister

thus alleviating some of the problems and perhaps making a lighter bun?
