Rec. Chicken Bacon Roulades

Don found this recipe yesterday and asked me to make it for his b'day tonight. I'll let you know

how it turns out. I just hope it's as good as it sounds smileys/smile.gif

this was not worth the time and effort. it might have been better had the bacon been chopped

but Don and I both agreed that it still wouldn't be worth it. smileys/frown.gif

it did look good in the picture, alas. the whole slices of bacon were a problem and made

stuffing the breasts tricky. even if the bacon had been chopped, it just didn't have enough flavor to make it worthwhile.

ya never know until you try it smileys/smile.gif

even the sauce babe, just not enough flavor. I'll post a really good sauce for scallops later smileys/smile.gif
