RECIPE: REC: Corn Pudding TDF! If you are wrapped up in fresh corn as we are now, this came from B. Smith's



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new cookbook:

3 cups fresh corn (I used 3 ears)

3 eggs, beaten

1 1/2 cups heavy cream

2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/8 teaspoon white pepper

1/3 cup chopped chives

Combine all ingredients. Pour into a buttered 8x8 baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees, 45 minutes.

When you cut the corn from the ears, be sure to run the dull side of the knife down the cob, to extract all the corn "juice".


my grandmother called the scraping the ear after cutting "creaming the corn."

Love corn puddin'! And I love chives and never had thought about putting them together. Will have to do this when I make it next.


Yes, this is our "creamed corn", very Southern, but apparently not only found in the South!

The chives really made it special, and DH and I almost ate the whole thing. You won't be disappointed. I always have a big pot of chives growing on my patio,and love to use them.

Our fresh, local corn, Silver King, is so sweet that I wish I had cut back the sugar to 1 tablespoon. Oh, and forgot to mention that the dish browns slightly on top when done, and leftovers are as good as the first time.

Hope you enjoy.
