Rec. Crockpot...Low Carb Hungarian Goulash


Well-known member
Low Carb Crockpot Hungarian Goulash

2 pounds round steaks, cut in 1/2-inch cubes

1 cup onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

2 tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1 1/2 teaspoons paprika

1/4 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed

1 (14 1/2 ounce) can tomatoes

1 cup sour cream

Put steak cubes, onion, garlic in crockpot. Stir in flour and mix to coat steak cubes. Add

all remaining ingredients except sour cream. Stir well.

Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 10

hours or on HIGH for 4 to 5 hours, stirring occasionally.

Add sour cream 30 minutes before

serving, and stir in thoroughly.

Yield: 6 servings

NYC ecookbook


I hate that hitting enter posts, when all I want to do is go to the message field.
Anyhow, I will be needing recipes like this in a few weeks.
We'll need to do the low-carb thing after a couple of weeks of vacation excess.

CU all in a few>>>>weeks, that is.

Judy, are you suffering from premature posting?

After a few weeks of rest and relaxation this should clear up on it's own smileys/smile.gif Good thing you already have your vacation planned!!

It certainly is...

now, I just have to sort through the piles of clothes on the bed and decide what goes, and what does not.
I will manage, somehow.

dj, how does the web import work?

I have an older version of MC, and I don't think it has web import, it has import assistant. Does it work well? Thanks!

Web Import is on the newer versions, 8 and 9

When you install MC it places an MC toolbar on IE that, when viewing recipes, you click to turn it on. This opens a small side window on the left that lists Title, Ingredients, Source, Picture, etc... You highlight the title, check the box in the MC window, going down the list highlighting from the recipe and checking as you go. When done you save to list and move on to the next recipe. When you have all the recipes you want you click list, save to MC and SHAZAM, MC opens, you choose which cookbook to save to and it's done. (I have one I call "not so tried and true" that I save to and them move over as I try them.)

Once you get used to the feature there is no going back. This works from websites and emails and there is no special format required. Since the entire ingredient list is saved at one time you don't have to worry about losing any measurements or ingredients while inputting.

Boy that sounds pretty handy!

I had MC 4.0 until about a year ago, when it quit printing for me, so I finally started using 7.0, which I found cumbersome at first until I discovered the import assistant. I just love that feature, so much easier than the way I used to import. I may have to upgrade to the 9.0 version. Thanks for all the info!

First thing to pack

is me smileys/smile.gif I'm ready for a vacation! And I travel light.

Seriously, tho, I hope you and Rich enjoy the trip and have great food, fun and adventures.

I don't work for MC, I swear smileys/smile.gif

and swearing I was when I couldn't get web import to work! I have become very spoiled by it and would recommend it highly. Just don't buy the downloadable version!
