RECIPE: REC: Daniel Shoemaker's Brandied Cherries - how I want to make these!

I want to make them, too. I'd do a smaller jar (although I have been known to

stand in front of the frige and eat the ones I made last year with a spoon) . Whew...long sentence.
With all that booze and sugar would you really have to water bath?

I don't know, since they're pitted I don't think you have to. I made them with just cognac

and I didn't pit them, but my Russian friend says that after a year the alcohol leaches out the cyanidic properties in the pits and that I should chuck them, so I did. boo. No cherries left for me. I have also purchased dried morello cherries and rehydrated them in bourbon with a speck of vanilla paste and that was a wonderful treat for a drink or over ice cream.

Oh my gosh, this is the perfect way to get away with a murder!

...alcohol leaches out the cyanidic properties in the pits...

"Would you like another Sidecar, dear? I know you're especially fond of the brandied cherries."

with all that alcohol and sugar/lemon juice, I think it would keep way longer than 2 weeks in fridge
