RECIPE: REC: English Cucumber Punch



Well-known member
This is light, summery, and a perfect foil as the non-alcoho alternative for the wine and cheese reception we're hosting tomorrow night.

For each punch bowl:

1 each: large frozen lemonade and white grape concentrates

1 2-liter club soda

1 2-liter 7-up

1 lemon, sliced

1 cucumber, sliced

Add concentrates to punchbowl, stir in a little club soda to dilute and melt. Add liquids and a big block of ice, top with sliced garden or English hothouse cucumbers (the kind wrapped in plastic at most markets-they aren't waxed--you definitely want the green non-waxed peel in this) and sliced lemons. Give it a gentle stir.

To make this "adult, add a fifth of gin and (optional) 1 cup of Pimms.

Also, if you have it, a tablespoon of cucumber vinegar really perks this up.

This is dangerous!! ((Tx for the rec)) My neighbor from the U.K. brought this over to a summer

picnic. I normally only drink wine, but because she was our guest, and worked hard on it, blah, blah, blah...I had to drink it...It was so wonderful and refreshing! I love cucumbers! The taste was so subtle....BUT, the next day, I did feel it. SO, I am thrilled to have your recipe without the pims and gin!

WIll be making this soon!!
