RECIPE: REC: Indescribably Delicious Banana Bread....YUM! My kind of banana bread *g*

This originally appeared in a cookbook of the Austin Junior League. ...

I threw away all of the other banana bread recipes after making this one; the title tells all you need to know!

Thanks for the info! It sure did look incredible and DH loves banana bread... will have to try it.

cheez: this recipe was originally posted on the old EPI forum by nlb

I used to make this quite often and when I started getting Nancy's newsletter, someone was asking for a moist delicious banana bread, so I posted this recipe. Since then several readers of this newsltter have also posted the recipe under their names, I did give credit to nlb and the old forum when I originally posted this. If you go to the T&T section here, you will find the recipe under Bread. Nancy's Kitchen has a partnership with Prepared Pantry. They post quite often on her site.

I don't know Glennis... I believe a cake's only purpose is as an excuse to eat frosting smileys/smile.gif
