RECIPE: REC: Microwave cup custards - perfect for freshly grated nutmegs!



Well-known member
I used to make these for an after school snack and have made two batches this week after receiving the wonderful nutmegs from dear Gayle!

Microwave Cup Custard

1 3/4 c milk

1/4 c sugar

3 eggs, beaten

1 t vanilla

1/8 t salt

freshly grated nutmegs

In a 2 cup measure, heat the milk at 80% power for 4 minutes, or until hot.

In a medium sized bowl, blend the eggs with the sugar, salt and vanilla. Stirring with a fork (not a whisk), slowly mix in the hot milk and stir until well blended. Strain back into the 2 cup measure through a fine mesh sieve.

Pour the hot custard into 4 6 oz. microwavable cups. Sprinkle with plenty of freshly grated nutmeg. Place in a circle in the microwave and cook at 80% for 8-10 minutes, rotating the cups at the halfway point, until they are jiggly but not sloshy.

Let rest at room temperature until cool enough to eat, or cover with saran and chill.

Please note that the timing here is what works with my new Sharp Carousel microwave, as every oven is different please modify for your oven's strength. It's really important not to over cook the custards, so if you have to cook them at 30 sec or 1 min increments, please do that until you know the correct timing for your oven.

This is a great recipe for kids to make too!
