RECIPE: REC: Mirabelle Plum and Silver Edge Lavender Preserves and a couple of questions:



Well-known member
I bought some beautiful yellow plums at the farmers market this morning and want to try these preserves. First, I have no idea if my lavender is "silver edge" but it looks very silvery. When I cut pieces for the preserves, do you think it should it have flowers or just the leaves? Then, since I have no idea where to get the gelling sugar do you think I could just use Sure Jell and Sugar?


Mirabelle Silver Edge Lavender Preserve

Source: What's for Lunch Honey blog

(makes 5 200 ml jars)

1 kg mirabelles (or yellow plums), cut in half, pits removed then quartered

2-4 sprigs silver edge lavender, tied tightly into a bouquet garni

500g gelling sugar (I used Dr. Oetker's Extra Gelling Sugar 2:1)


Place the mirabelles in a large pot. Put the lavender bouquet garni into the pot and cover with the sugar. Stir well to coat the fruit with the sugar and to release the juices.

Bring the mixture to a boil under constant stirring. Now start timing and keep the mixture at a boil for a good 3 minutes, constantly stirring and crushing the fruit gently. Remove the bouquet garni and discard.

Check to see if the mixture gels using the saucer test mentioned above. If not keep at a boil for another minute and then check again. Skim off any foam.

Fill the jam in sterilized jars (as described above), leaving 3 mm space at the top of the jar, turn upside down and leave for 5 minutes. Then store in your pantry.

I've used my garden lavender in cooking- I don't even know what kind it is smileys/smile.gif

I'd do the pectin and sugar and follow standard directions.

My motto is:

If it doesn't work- serve it over pound cake with whipped cream.

gelling sugar is defined as having pectin and ascorbic acid added (more)

I have never seen it sold....
So, i would take the ingredients and use a recipe on the pectin for a plum jam.
As for the lavender, I would take only the flowering ends to make the bouquet.
