RECIPE: Rec: NYC Water Bagels (Part I of II). More fun than a barrel of monkeys!!



Well-known member
I doubled this recipe tonight and yielded 13 bagels!

The dough was perfect and there was no knead – err, need to add water after following the directions exactly. I measured-out two pounds of King Arthur bread flour by filling my tiny spring-scale in 4 oz. increments. That took 15 minutes but was worth it. After much research about the special soft NYC tap water, I decided to use Nestlé’s Zephyrhills natural spring water which comes from Florida springs. I got the tip from a woman who overheard me talking to a clerk in a restaurant store when I bought a huge cooling rack and sheet pan. The clerk had asked me what I was going to make and I replied NYC water bagels. The woman said she was from New York and said that bagels in Florida were awful. I asked her what could I substitute for the NYC tap water, and she said Poland Springs (a northern spring water that I can’t get down here). I emailed Zephryhills and received detailed information that their spring water is soft.

I also measured-out 4 oz. balls of dough on my scale (easy and quick to do for uniformity) and formed them into 8.5 – 9” cigar shapes that worked better than 8”. Although I made them with a 2” hole, the holes closed up when they sat on the sheet pan. I used barley malt syrup that I was able to get at Richard’s Whole Foods. It’s not easy to find.

I’m off work tomorrow and so I’ll report back with a Part II of II after I boil and bake them in the morning. They bettuh be good!!

Homemade Bagels
ps - Poland Spring is is Maine anyway...

We were just there, so your 'advisor' is incorrect, Maine bagels suck just as much as Florida bagels...

Dough! Why Sandra, how could I have forgotten to ask you!!

How about shipping me…. maybe the equivalent of that thar water tower (see link) about once a month??

You and I will become rich!!! I will assume that you will post your shipping charges for quantities no less than one water tower!

What a great business partnership we’ll have!!

You're a doll Sandra and thanks! LOL!!

I used to buy Poland Spring in Philly. We shall see if Florida bagels

suck after tomorrow morning's final phase!! (wink)

OMG, NYC tap water is the water of the gods. I WISH I could get it here. And I've tried!

Somebody does bottle it, but I can't get it in my town without paying through the nose for shipping.

And you thought I was just kidding about trying now didn't you?

Hmm, we filter ours. Somehow, I think that the prizewinning water didn't come out of pre-war pipes.

However, I would gladly run the tap for anyone who wants to import it! smileys/wink.gif

NYC Water Bagels (Part II of II). Success!!

The first dunked bagel from the fridge passed the “float” test and so I put the baking pan back in the fridge. Unfortunately, and after shaking the water off of the guinea pig bagel, it became soggy (see photo of darkened crater-faced mutant baked bagel). I mixed the poaching liquid (sans the water) into a gooey ball before putting it into the gently simmering water and mixed it in with my slotted wooden spoon. I only filled the Dutch oven to 3.5” and it worked fine. I actually was able to place five bagels in the water at a time!

I bought the wrong kind of corn meal. I meant to get the coarse kind and so that’s why some of the bagels look a bit sloppy (mostly due to being mishandled by moi). I don’t really need a corn meal base, but I like it.

The holes should be larger than 2” when forming as you’ll see from the baked results. They really tasted good and had the great chewy texture that you expect from a good bagel. I’d like to add (if I can) just a little more of the barley malt syrup next time for a more malty flavor.

I got the results that I wanted for the most part and am very happy about that. I halved the bagels and put them into a Ziploc sandwich bag and then into the freezer (best way to freeze them from what I’ve read).

Go on folks and help yourself to one!

Chewy goodness!