Rec. Shrimp, Sausage, and Chicken Pasta Bake


Well-known member
I threw this together for a last minute dinner party. It was so good I thought I'd share...

Garlic and herb seasoned bread crumbs

¼ tsp. saffron threads, crushed and mixed into simmering stock

1.5 quarts rich homemade stock (I used turkey and celery root)

¼ cup dry sherry

1 lb. kielbasa sausage

3 lb. boned skinless chicken breasts, cubed

1 large white onion, diced

1 head garlic, minced

2 sprigs fresh rosemary, de-stemmed and minced (about 2 tbls. when done)

½ cup minced fresh parsley

1 tbls. dried tarragon

1 lb. sliced mushrooms

1 red bell pepper, diced

1 lb. shrimp, uncooked, shelled and de-veined.

1 lb. package of dried pasta (I used a mix of tri-color Farfalle and cheese filled tortellini)

3 cups frozen green peas

¼ pound butter

½ cup flour

1 pint sour cream

2 tsp. white pepper

Salt to taste

¼ tsp cayenne pepper

1 lb. shredded cheese (I used a mixture of romano, parmigiano - reggiano, and mozzarella)

Heavily butter a 6-qrt casserole or baking pan. Coat buttered surface with seasoned bread crumbs. Set aside.

Put a large pot of water on to boil, salt to taste. Preheat oven to 350F. Place stock, sherry, and saffron in a saucepan and bring to a simmer and hold.

Set out a large mixing bowl to hold the ingredients you are going to sauté.

Slice sausage and sauté in olive oil to brown lightly on both sides. Add to bowl.

Saute chicken breast in olive oil with onions to brown lightly. When chicken is nearly cooked through, add half of the mined garlic, the parsley, rosemary, and tarragon. Salt to taste. Add to bowl.

Saute mushrooms and red pepper until tender and starting to brown. Add to bowl.

Saute shrimp for about 30 seconds, add to bowl.

Add pasta to boiling water, stir, and cook until al dente. Add the frozen peas when pasta is done. Immediately drain pasta and peas; return to pan.

While pasta is boiling, make a roux with the butter and flour, cook until lightly browned and nutty smelling. Whisk in the hot stock to make the sauce. Add the remaining garlic. Whisk in the sour cream.

Combine the contents of the sauté bowl with the drained pot of pasta and peas. Pour the sauce over and mix lightly, but thoroughly. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan.

Sprinkle an even layer of bread crumbs over the top of the pasta. Cover with the shredded cheese.

Bake for 45 minutes until or until bubbly and lightly browned.

I served this with a red oak leaf, cucumber, and cherry tomato salad with Dijon vinaigrette, and a Quivira Sauvignon Blanc. Buche de Noel for dessert (from “Lenôtre's Desserts and Pastries” by Gaston Lenôtre).

My goodness, Richard... how many did you feed with this?

It looks delicious, and I'll definitely try it the next time I'm going to feed a crowd.

I just LOVE these low-fat recipes of yours...


A lot of people!

But that's the way I am. I grew up at my depression-era grandma's knees who always said "you can never have enough to feed company." We made several casseroles for the freezer from the leftovers.

I hear y'all are back in T'insee. It's so good to be in touch. Hope all's going well. Let me know.
