RECIPE: REC: Spotted D|ck. This was a total slam dunk at my dinner party on Saturday.



Well-known member
Never made a spotted dick before, and had a theme party where this fit in. People absolutely inhaled this. I took it out of the steamer, plated it, doused it with warm run, ignited, set it up on the counter, and 60 seconds later the platter was clean. I am NOT exagerating. I couldn't believe how popular it was...and it is so simple!!!!

Plus everyone had such fun time "discussing" it. LOL

Spotted Dick

3 cups flour

2 cups beef suet (I used pasture-grazed organic)

2/3 cup sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 tsp. salt

1 cup cream

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup raisins.

Pulse flour and suet in food processor, pour into bowl. Add remaining ingredients, combine. This will be a stiff ugly mess. Mold it into a cannon ball. Place in a buttered pudding basin or stainless bowl. Cover with buttered wax paper, then seal with foil. Steam for 3 hours.

Unmold, douse with hot cognac or rum, ignite. Serve with custard sauce on the side.

People are still calling me about this. That's how amazingly different it danced on the tastebuds. The ugly hard cannonball transforms into a fluffy lucious pudding.

Joanie, I used really good quality golden raisins and they just blended right in...

I suppose you could leave them out or sub some other dried fruit. I bet diced dried pineapple would be quite good! And speaking of scrumpshish English food, I had a wonderful Steak and Kidney Pie with all the trimmings finished up with Treacle Pudding for dessert at Nell Gwynne's in Windsor that I still remember quite fondly.

That stuff was the hit of my Euchre club gift exhange...

Found a can at World Market.

The laughs, the comments, the questions!

We should've opened it up and tried it, but then again the Heinz brand wouldn't have held a candle to your homemade delight Richard.


Ding Ding Ding Ding...You win the prize Joe!!!

Spotted Dick Cheney Flambe with a drammatic reading ending with the flourish of match to Ye Olde Spotted Dick.


I'll PM you a copy of the menu since there are some that could take offense : )

Ah, one of my favourite steamed puds! And very versatile. Substitute diced candied fruit and it's

called Cabinet Pudding. OJ and zest make it ... I can't remember, but it's good. The suet, of course, is the key ingredient, because of the way it melts.

Shaun, absolutely, the suet is the key and...

a taste/texture that most have not experienced. It was sublime. Cabinet Pudding, yes! I'd heard of that but it's so simple now that you explain it. LOL. I'm sure the variations on this simple recipe could go on forever. That's the beauty, it's just so darn simple and so absolutely yummy beyond words.
