RECIPE: Rec: Tourte Milanese, this sounded so good for Easter

ah, my friend whose father was Italian (mom Polish) would make this every year. I don't remember there being any greens, though...more layers of fact, mostly meat layers...mostly Italian. And all the ingredients made it rather expensive too.

Hmmm, I wonder if this, in fact, the same recipe? I know it had top/bottom crusts and multiple layers...this version just looks a lot healthier.

As my head hit the pillow last night, I remembered what I likened this to. It had been bothering me all day. Pissaladiere a l'Appel, which is a layered version of pissaladiere, with puff pastry both top and bottom. 1992 was the last time I made it but it sure was worth all the calories. It's a Nicoise concoction but this one was layered rather than flat and topped with bits. Nice is only 2 hours from Milan (or 1 if you are Italian).

This version also had only meats - ham, pepperoni, and plus green onion and cheeses layered with a spicy tomatoey sauce along with herbs. So good, so popular. I made it often.

Must make again. Thanks for the reminder.

Both of these sound yummy. Marg, if you find the recipe could you post? I love trying takes time, but worth it recipes. šŸ˜
