RECIPE: REC: Turnip Gratin with prosciutto, Gruyere and cream. I had a bumper crop of turnips and tried



Well-known member
this for supper last night. It was wonderful with just a green salad. A double recipe fit my 12" oval gratin dish. Like most Richard Olney recipes it's very rich, and I think I would use less butter next time.


(Gratin de Navets)

from Simple French Food by Richard Olney

Serves 4 as a side dish


3 Tbs. butter (in all)

1-1/2 lb. crisp, tender turnips, peeled thickly, sliced in 1/8-inch thicknesses, parboiled 2 to 3 minutes.

Salt, pepper

1 scant teaspoon finely crumbled dried herbs (I used herbs de Provence)

3 oz. thinly sliced prosciutto-typed ham, cut into a fine julienne

3 oz. Swiss Gruyere, cut into thin slices (I used a mixture of Gruyere and Parmesan)

1/2 cup heavy cream

1/4 cup breadcrumbs.

Rub well a small gratin dish with garlic (or puree the garlic and rub the dish iwth the juice, discarding all debris(, let dry, butter generously, and arrange the turnip slices, slightly overlapping, in three layers, sprinkling with salt, pepper, herbs, and the julienned ham in the two intermediate layers. Arrange the slices of cheese on the surface, pour over the cream, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, cover with paper-thin shavings of butter. Bake 45 minutes in a 400* oven.

Made it last night. I found a strong flavour of nutmeg in the proscuitto. Odd. But it was very

good. I've been simply cooking baby turnips in water and serving them with butter. We have both enjoyed them so much!!

I'll make this again. Thanks again Joe.

BTW, when I do scalloped potatoes, I often do them with shipping cream, pancetta and artichoke bottoms. These recipes just seem to play off one another.

Glad you liked it! My everyday way of preparing turnips is to cut in wedges and put in a pot with

stock and a little butter. Cook until they're tender and the liquid becomes a glaze. Beef stock is especially good but chicken is good too.
