Rec. Walnut Maple Cookies, a very healthy recipe...


Well-known member
This recipe just came in my email, these are not my notes. I will be trying these soon!

I had to share this recipe... I just made them and YUM! No eggs, oil, or dairy...what a dream!

I did not have enough walnuts, so I made the half walnuts and half pecans..also could add carob chips (or choc chip) ..dried fruit...

2 1/2 cups walnuts, ground in food processor

2/3 cupe whole wheat flour

1 tsp. sea salt

1/3 cup flaxseed meal

1/2 cup maple syrup + 2 tsp

2 tsp vanilla

Mix well . Use an oil for the cookie sheet or silpat

Oven 350

drop dough with spoon and flatten with fork (dipped in flour)

Bake 10- 15 min til golden brown

Makes 1 dozen


Thanks Marsha. We're tapping our maple trees this weekend. We're always looking for more recipes..

for our maple syrup. We'll enjoy these while sitting around the boiler in the sugar shack. And it's healthy, too. Thanks for posting it.

You're very welcome. A couple years a gal from Canada, who owns a B&B there was telling me what all

is involved in maple syrup 'farming'.

It's unbelievable all the work and hours! Now I understand the cost of it.
