RECIPE: Recipe: Honeycrisp Apple Praline Cake (this sounds wonderful) (more inside)

Ooh, this looks good. I saw honeycrisps in the grocery store for $4.49/lb. Question about the rec.

The last ingredient is "18-oz. package cream cheese". Cream cheese usually comes in 8 oz. blocks, I wonder if it's supposed to be "One 8oz. package".

Otherwise it looks yum! Can't wait until the prices go down!

serve nut side up?

Isn't the top of a cake baked in a tube pan usually the small end? When I've used a tube pan, I usually cool in upside down so if it drops down, it would be... you get the idea.

They were $.98/lb at a stand in the Fruit Loop outside Portland, OR.

Here they are $2.99 at Publix but only $1.98 at Walmart. $2.49 at Target but those are not good... very tough skin.

Love, love, love honeycrips apples . . .

They are one of the best out-of-hand eating apples I've ever known . . . tart and sweet. Like Steve2 in LA i could eat several a day!

They are fantastic for pies (for the same reason). Tart, sweet, firm. I'm a confirmed fan.

They keep almost forever in the fridge!! I stock up at the end of October, when our farmers' markets end . . . I can still get a great pie in January. I know it sounds odd, but once you peel the slighlty shriveled peel, you still have a great apple for baking.

This recipe looks a little sweet for me, but I will keep it on file and look forward to future reviews.

The 'honeycrips' are a gang in south central Hollywood smileys/smile.gif Sorry.... just couldn't resist
