Recipe in Progress: Queen of Sheba Chocolate Caramel Sundaes, a possibility for New Year's


Well-known member

Ingredients for Julia Child's undercooked Queen of Sheba cake (see link) still in the pan, all warm and gooey

French vanilla ice cream

Julia's Caramel sauce:

1) Offer Queen of Sheba as an option for dessert for a catered luncheon for 60 seniors next week. Smile with gratification when they choose it.

2) Go shopping for 8 recipe's worth, each serving 8, plus some extra. Since you bake them four at a time, with your 5-qt. KA mixer and four 8" cake pans, plan on baking 12 cakes so you'll have a few on hand in the freezer.

3) At the store, decide on ingredients for 16 cakes, since you have the whole day Tuesday to bake.

4) Next, make an important lunch date for Tuesday.

5) Awake on Tuesday for the Sheba marathon, and discover you don't have cream of tartar. Go back to the store, wait in line forever, but do not accept defeat. Bake the first four cakes, cool them slightly, unmold them onto cake racks, wash out the pans, and start the next batch. You WILL get two rounds completed this morning.

6) While the second batch of 4 cakes is baking, realize that noon is approaching fast, and that all your cake racks are in use. The Queens need to cool for at least an hour on a rack before wrapping and freezing. Get a brilliant idea: your one remaining large rack will hold at least three cakes!

7) Remove cakes from oven at 11:50, even if they are more undercooked than called for. Call your future boss to tell him you're running late. Let cakes cool in pans 15 minutes, then place three of them on the back of a baking sheet. Invert your large rack over them, disregarding the fact that they are not all the same height. Invert the whole assemblage, sending the shorter pans flying, and lose the tall one too. As they all dump themselves into an ectoplasmic goo on your work surface, throw the fourth one into the mess and curse your life, fate, chocolate and Julia herself!

smileys/bigeyes.gif Cry on your way to lunch, and wish you had offered Mimi's Knock-You-Naked brownies instead. So easy. So foolproof. Rich chocolate caramel gooeyness. Life could have been so easy--all you would have to do is rename them for the senior citizens. Or maybe not, considering Michael's grandmother's wringer washer advice:

9) Remind yourself that you use Julia's very own caramel sauce when making Mimi's Knock-You-Nakeds, and remember the hot brownie sundaes you used to serve while working at TGIFridays a zillion years ago, and figure out a way to salvage four Queen of Sheba cakes' worth of failed chocolate almond gunk.

10) Freeze the Sheba glop. Plan to reheat it for a party and slather it into goblets, topped with ice cream and caramel sauce. Meanwhile, bake and freeze the remaining 8 cakes. Whew.

I'll let you all know how it works out. Fortunately, my future boss is a good friend who loved my excuse.

Feeling for ya, Joe - loved the write up!

Know that I'll keep my fingers crossed on all fronts for you!

When you have a sec - could you post Mimi's brownie recipe?


It's a part-time position with the garden group I already volunteer for....

So I'm kind of creating my own job. We were going over the job description.
