Recipes Atwitter. Amazing!!!!

Speaking of which... 'Fess up. Are any of us on there, being cryptically culinary?

I am, as @smetanasglasses, but it's mostly ramblings about bakeries in my neighborhood. smileys/wink.gif And assorted other oddities, with NYC stuff thrown in for good measure.

Smetana's Glasses, or the Baklava Twitter

Traca's PNW updates on Twitter are a treat (tweat? Forgive me)!

Now that is my kind of recipes....very interesting

Many recipes make it all so complicated. I have rewritten so many to make reading easier, and many use too many pans, too many steps, etc.
Of course, with her technique in delivering, one has to know basic cooking at best.

I've heard the key is to find some sort of niche, or something that sets you apart.

Someone I know always includes what tea she's drinking with her Tweet.

I happen to know a new member who uses twitter but is unfortunately not allowed to post links yet.


It scares me!! I have not twittered...But hear about everywhere from the local paper, news, etc...

Confession of a Twitter junkie...

I love Twitter & have met some really interesting people through there. One author I'd been following his career for years, touched base with me through Twitter. And of course, now I'm planning the Int'l Food Blogger Conference...a number of our sponsors have come via Twitter. It's very interesting.

I also use Twitter as a vehicle for all the interesting stuff that comes my way. I write about things I'm doing that never end up in a blog post (artisan butcher field trip, for example), etc.

If you hop on Twitter, I'm SeattleTallPopp. Heather in SF is on there too... as HeatherHAL.

I feel Mimi's eyes on me

Yeah, new here, and have been on Twitter a while. But as my username is not a link, I'm posting it! There!



Cool! Following both of you + Erin. I'm on there but don't say much, just listen!

Kinda like here. ;o)

Actually, I wish I didn't say much sometimes. Stuck my foot in it the other day

and I'm still kind of reeling from it. Silence is good sometimes. smileys/smile.gif

Ah well, happens to the best of us. :eek:) I excell at that.

The other day I was at school and there was this lady who couldn't open her water bottle. She has an arm that is very small and crooked. There were tons of people around and I don't know her at all, but she singled me out for help with the bottle. Maybe she felt more comfortable asking for help from someone else with a disability? So I opened the bottle with a quick twist and gave it back to her and she commented "Wow, that was easy!" and I responded with "Yeah, I have good arms."

