Rec: Soba Noodles with Sesame Seeds
My notes:
The amount of white sesame seeds I had on hand was nominal, so I didn’t bother roasting them. I filled the gap for the remaining quantity by using black sesame seeds that I had to total just shy of 2 oz. I did not bother with the ice bath method but I did a quick chill in the colander with running cold water. I’ve made soba noodles before and don’t think it’s necessary and quite frankly, I like them slightly chilled or at room temperature.
When I sprinkled in the seeds a batch at a time and folded, I didn’t want to add any more. I had about a half ounce left (i.e. use your judgment). I did leave the noodles to sit at room temperature for a half an hour before refrigerating.
This was very tasty and went well with the tuna. As I know, and people have said in so many words about soba noodles, they’re a great “refrigerator-raid” snack. This recipe will afford you plenty of raids!