Recommendations for a new (gift) food processor?

There was a discussion about food processors not long ago. Cuisinart won ...more

I had a brand new kitchen aid last April. After the first use I couldn't get the blade out of the machine or the bowl off the machine.

I saw Cat Cora and Tyler Florence both using the same model processor I had and they had the same problem I did.

I love my Cuisinart.

i ended up with a ka (it was a kind gift), and so far am very happy with it. i think the issues i

have with it are common to most processors in this price range (ie, not a robot coupe). it's a bit messy with flour, but this can be minimized with careful handling (why don't they come with a seal around the top??). i've also found that the 'butt ends' of any veggies i'm processing end up spinning around ontop of the grating blade (not a prob with the work blade). not a big deal. i think the machine is easy to handle if you follow the instructions, though there are always some lemons out there. our research on the web pretty much revealed a tie between cuisinart and ka, though this forum definitely sided with cuisinart. good luck!

speaking of food processors.......

I have a KA and lately when I put anything with a lot of liquid into it, it leaks out the top of the bowl where the lid fits in. I do not remember it doing this. I mainly use it to make my tomato sauce after roasting my tomatoes. I put the roasted toms in along with the roasted garlic, and whirl away. The liquid comes right out the top. I swear it never used to do this. My husband claims food processors are not made to put liquid into as they will leak. I must be going crazy. Any help out there?

Yep, I agree. If I had to choose one or the other, I'd take the blender as they do handle liquids.

But then, I'm from the pre-food processor era. I can remember being so thrilled to get a blender as a gift. My first post-graduation appliance.

I kinda think that what the blender does not handle because it is really meant for liquids and chopping in a liquid medium, can be dealt with by the stand mixer. There are a few bits inbetween (dry chopping such as a mirepoix) but they are so minimal, that if you need to make a choice, I'd take the blender and the mixer.
