Recommendations for copper cleaner? ($30 at WS? Really?)


I went to WS yesterday and got some gel packs for my new fondue pot, but stopped short of the $30 cleaner. Thirty dollars for cleaner? Thought I'd ask for recommendations before shelling that out.

Copper cleaner . . .

If it is anything like Revereware . . . Bar Keepers' Friend hands down. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to keeping my Revereware shiny, but when I DO get ambitious Barkeepers' Friend is my salvation.

I do use Barkeepers' Friend on my stainless, but will it get off tarnish and heat marks on copper?

The copper has some very dark almost black spots that look like tarnish from maybe where food splattered around the rim ring of the fondue pot. It's a polished mirror finish copper, and I don't know how thin it might be. I've only used BF on the satin finish on the inside/bottom of my stainless pans, never had to on the mirror finish. Will BF get off tarnish? I'm kinda scared of wrecking/scratching it.

Maria, I use Bar Keeper's Friend for the interior of my SS pots/pans and copper fry pan too with

great results. It's like a little dab (paste & water) and a gentle swirl-scrub of it will take away any scorched/hardened spots and so on.

I'm reading the label of BKF and it says:

"HOUSEHOLD: Cleans fiberglass, stainless steel, imitation marble, and porcelain sinks, tubs, tile, glass-ceramic, cooktops, chrome, copper and brass."

I have not used it on my copper or brass, but note that copper and brass is at the bottom of the list. I'm wary of using it on my copper and brass simply because I think it's a less abrasive form of Comet Cleanser.

I "think" BKF might be too abrasive for copper or brass. I may be wrong.
