Red Onion Flowers (side dish) - easy, delish and beautiful

you don't get that magazine on the left coast? I just bookmarked the website. a treasure of recipes

the very first dessert is alexandre torte---so easy and looks fantastic. I think I'll try it with strawberry rhubarb jam and some vanilla custard cream.

It's an Ontario Liquor Store Mag. A provincial thing.

There is one here that is trying hard to emulate well, but not making it yet. The gloss is there but the content falls short..

I've printed out 2 recipes this morning already. a coffee cake and roasted rhubarb

that was with an angelfood cake. rhubarb will be roasting tonight!

Is that in the Early Summer issue? I can't find the recipe listed and I know they don't

post them until a month after. My rhubarb has been loitering in my fridge for awhile now.

Interesting to note that they are now SELLING back issues.

i just did a total search in desserts---not specific to any issue. then started looking

alphabetically, just out of curiosity.
