Removing cooking stains from clothes.


Well-known member
I a so bad about remembering to put my apron on prior to cooking. I constantly get oily type stains on my tee shirts, and in the winter sweat shirts. I try all sorts of stain pre-treating products and have yet to find one that will remove all the sports the first time. So I have to pretreat, and wash again.

Have any of you found a product that works well for you in removing those cooking stains from your clothes?

I suspect most of mine are coming from tossing salads, sautéing, browning and probably just eating.

For grease, aerosol Shout. My dad taught auto mechanics

and my Mom swears by it. I also like Shout Stain Stick. Since I only wash clothes for one person I hate to wash one item because I got it greasy. It lets you go ahead and rub it into the stain, then throw in the hamper and wash later when you have a whole load.

I have great luck with Shout gel, a little hard to find here. Mostly the stores feature.....

the spray on which, in my experience, does not work as well. I read an article somewhere recently also saying that the shout gel was the best. I found some in a dollar store and bought 3 bottles, should last me the rest of my life. smileys/smile.gif

I have a bunch of old T's that I save for cooking. I put one on and don't care what happens.

I bought something called "Greased Lightening" at the dollar store that has taken

out every single stain without damaging the garment.

LOL, that is what I wear around the house too, when I know I am not going anywhere

but I still don't want spots. A few holes, I don't mind...they're in fashion, ya know! But spots....ugh!

I found the Shout Gel in Raley's today, a local supermarket in our area

will give it a try. I'm also going to put a small bottle of Dawn in my cabinet above the washer. Thanks for the suggestions.

I found the Shout Gel today and used it on cotton T-shirt that I got stains on yesterday

it has a silicone type brush as a dispenser, and you rub the stain solution on the fabric as it is coming out of the bottle. It worked like a charm.

I use an automotive product, it is

Castrol Super Clean Cleaner - Degreaser. I just spray some on, full strength, as I sort the laundry and then wash as usual. I can only find it in gallon sized jugs now, and have to put it into a spray bottle, Wal-Mart as well as automotive supply stores carries it.
