Reposting of this link for Christmas decorating


Scroll down about half-way...adorable fondant and royal icing decorations for cookies and cupcakes. If the link defauts to the newest blog, search on "Gingerbread" (involuntary twitch).

This girl is good...really, really good. Very precise work. She teaches a class at Shermay's in Singapore.

The chocolate-covered almond "penquins" are just adorable.

I am imagining the time spent decorating those cookies. I'm doing well if I can add a drizzle.

I like the penguins too! Does she give directions anywhere, or do

you have any ideas on how to make them? Looks like she starts with a chocolate candy of some kind?

D, I think it's just a little rectangle of fondant for the body, more fondant for the feet....

and a food pen for the eyes. White fondant with a touch of orange dye for the feet.

Large chocolate covered almonds to start with.

I made feet like that for my GBH penguin and simply smashed two of the leftover snowman noses into a tear drop. But then I moved him and the feet stayed and tore. So he's footless, although not Kevin Bacon and footloose.
