Wow! Angie...I had no idea.
Recently this article has come up because my friends and I have been talking about the senses involved in eating. I met a guy who's allerigic to a laundry list of things so he won't try most food, but he loves to smell them. What he gets out of smelling them is far more than I get out of eating it. It was like a contact high!
It's made me very aware of trying to use all my senses when I eat...including being mindful of visual appeal, texture, color, temperature, smell, and finally taste.
It was a real eye opener when a chef mentioned, "most chocolate pastries don't even taste like chocolate." As a chocolate lover, I was shocked...and since then, I've learned, she's right! Close your eyes and eat a ding dong. The only thing I taste is the filling. Or a brownie recipe I was using. Someone said that it also didn't taste much like chocolate. So I've been mindful, and working on bumping up the flavor.
But it's amazing how much we forget to be grateful for. The ability to's so fundamental to survival and yet, how often do we really consider what's on our plate?
Big hugs to you and your husband!