Richard in Cincy - something for your daughter - Preggie Pops

Thanks, I had great success

with the potato soup. I made a rich chicken stock, put in lots of celery with the potatoes and a bit of onion. I thickened it with whole wheat flour for the additional vitamins and nutrients and it came out wondeful. She loved it and ate it all weekend.

Also made a ginger syrup which I stirred into selzer to make homemade gingerale and she really loved that. It calmed upset stomach and eliminated acid reflux episode. She called hubby and told him to go out and buy ginger so she could make the syrup when she got home. And the result of making ginger syrup...candied ginger, big juicy pieces to tuck in her handbag to munch on when her tummy is acting up. That ginger really does the trick!

I like the by product of ginger syrup too

the ginger syrup is also great on fruit which is something that usually sits well with nausaeated pregnant women. And then they can keep the candied ginger slices in their purse for a quick remedy. If you look at those preggie pops - ginger is one of the flavors/solutions they offer.

My best friend was extremely sick with morning sickness

for most of her pregnancy, and she took papaya tabs that really seemed to help her. Personally,
I wasn't really morning sick, but soda crackers and milk really seemed to help. I never drink milk, but during pregnancy, I drank gallons. I think it is more about keeping somthing in your stomach, little meals/snacks, than anything else. Congrats on being a grand dad!

There's a local vendor at our farmer's market that sells a ginger cooler....

She puts a squirt of a ginger simple syrup in a cup, then crushes a couple of basil leaves in her hand, adds that to the cup, then tops it off with club soda. I think she adds a squeeze of lemon too.

It's wonderfully refreshing, and I love the addition of the basil.
