Richard, Larry invoked your name today....


He was scheduled for glaucoma filtration surgery today and was on a total food fast. This morning, before we left home to drive to Orlando for the surgery, I showed him your funny post about KFC chicken pot pie ingredients.

After the surgery, he was pretty groggy from the anesthesia and pain medication. The doctor said to be sure he ate since he would be taking medication all evening.

I asked him what he he was hungry for and he groggily said: Well, now I want chicken pot pie. But Richard would have to make me his and mail it here.

See...even people stupid on drugs are impressed with you!

Oh, this is too too too funny!!!!!! Loved it!

reminds me of my beloved, and no, he was NOT under the effect of any drugs, but sometimes when he is almost asleep, he might say the most interesting things

a few years ago, we were talking in bed, with the lights off, and I didn't notice he was in that stage "in between" - so all of a sudden he says

"I am sure the pig farmers will be very unhappy"

I woke him (and the dogs) up with my hysterical laughter!

I can't stop giggling! Thanks to all of you for your kind wishes. Doc is happy with results, we'll

see how it goes as the eye heals.
