Running late - weather's been too cold to ball the truffles!


Well-known member
We usually set up an assembly line in the garage after work, holding the dipping chocolate in a water bath on a hot plate and placing the dipped truffles on wax paper strips covering the metal folding table. With snow pants, boots, hats and no gloves. But it's been too cold here! Or are we getting too old for this?

No, too cold.

This year, in addition to the dark chocolate bourbon ganache for 20 dozen truffles dear husband has ripening, I put together 9 mini-batches of ganache looking for a new favorite!

Maybe the boys will help mom and dad! Colleen

It was 77 yesterday. Even for here that doesn't feel much like Christmas

or make me want the soup I was thinking about making.

Kinda cruel to proffer a straight line like THAT & not expect me to go all Sam Kinison on it. Aughh!

But it IS the hollydaze and so, I resist. Yet another Milagro de La Navidad, I know.

another example of the difference between men and women -- a man WOULD catch that immediately!

Wrote it with tongue in cheek in mind!

DH's chocolate balls are a favorite joke among our family and friends.

Knew you guys would jump on board. Love ya for it! Colleen
