Saco Cocoa Powder - Does anyone have this in their supermarket? I can't find it here in NC. -


Well-known member
Many stores around the country carry it, depending on the location, such as:

Albertsons (seems like it's the most available in Albertsons)



Associated Food Stores

Fred Meyer


And lots more stores listed by state.

Could you guys check to see if your store sells it and for how much? Thanks!

I thought I saw it at World Market? I'm in California and it says the two stores

that carry it here are:
Ray’s Food Place

Well, I've never been in one of those as we don't have them here in southern CA. I've bought the buttermilk and seen the dolci frutti so there has to be other stores that carry it. If not World Market, then Whole Foods.

yes, I have purchased it up here, not sure if at safeway or FM(a Kroger co)

not sure how much, but will price it---but you probably don't want it shipped from up here.

It's much better than your typical stuff, such as Hershey's, Nestle, etc., but can't compare to

my favorite, El Rey, which of course has been discontinued. But, then again, nothing could compare to El Rey, and I've pretty much tried them all, from Pernigotti to Callebaut to Cacao Barry to Droste to Scharffen Berger, etc. etc.

By the way, Saco is a mixture of natural and Dutched. It's very good, and it's ultra low cost, if you can find it, that is.
