SallyBR, I was wondering if you made Marie-Helene's Apple Cake?

Cindy, a friend of mine is a chef for a sority and did 10x the recipe, baked like

brownies in a commercial pan. They turned out great!

I was just about to post about it!

I made it on Monday, and took it for a dinner last night at our neighbors here (the lab meeting got canceled... smileys/smile.gif

It was inhaled in minutes, very delicious cake, and so simple to make that even "I" (the cake challenged par excellence) could make it

I used a rectangular baking dish, and put less apples than the recipe called for, because the batter seemed to not be enough to coat them all. This was a bad call from my part - whoever makes this recipe, please USE THE WHOLE AMOUNT OF APPLES, even if you think it won't work.

The rum is a very nice touch - the only thing I might change when I make it again (and I will, since I could not take pictures to blog about it) - I will add a little cinnamon in the batter.

this goes into my hall of fame of dessert recipes, outstanding cake for such a simple preparation

(I also intend to get a round cake pan from home - I am flying back for THanksgiving - and bring it here, so I can do it in the proper pan)

have a great trip sally. when you say "home", are you going to Brazil or to the US?

can't remember where you are living at the moment.

BRAZIL!! It never occured to me that's what the 'BR' part was smileys/smile.gif My best friend's wedding

that is coming up in Feb (see post above, where I am the wedding consultant), is from Sao Paulo. A real sweetie.

Very interesting question....

...made me realize how much the US is now my real home!

Home is Oklahoma, I guess - but I do feel a sense of "home" as the US in general.

At the present time, I am living in Los Angeles, doing research for 1 year at UCLA. Great place, I am having a ton of fun in the lab

for Thanksgiving we are flying to OK, two students in our own lab are defending PhDs, so we need to be there.

but it will be just for 1 week, then back to CA again
