Sandi in Hawaii -- did you ever figure out how to make the cinnamon/sugar stick to the biscotti??

I wonder if you spread melted butter on them first, then the cinn/sugar mixture, if that would work?

Like you do with cinnamon toast... then it sort of caramelizes under the broiler. I want to make these next week and I'm all for getting as much cinnamon/sugar in there as possible smileys/smile.gif

Or an egg wash, then sprinkle the cinnamon/sugar on top? Give it something to stick to.

I made the lo fat version of cin/sugar biscotti, and I brushed it with butter after the first baking

and sprinkled on the cin/sug mix, then sliced it and carefully put back on the cookie sheets for the second baking. worked quite well. added a bit of fat, but not much.
