Sandi, your Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti are addictive! keep these in mind for Fall/holiday baking.

good! I hope you fill it up tomorrow. Anchorage is celebrating Hawaii's 50th on Sat with music and

dancing and free leis and kalua pork sandwiches. We have a suprisingly large population of Pacific Islanders. I think I'll wander down.

Your celebration of our statehood sounds better than OUR celebration!

I dunno if it's cause the state is broke, but there's NOTHING going on here tomorrow - NOTHING!

Oh, I just saw a little blurb in the online newspaper that they're giving chocolate covered mac nuts to visitors flying into the state tomorrow. Huh!

You might try this little trick...

Bring all of the family members into the kitchen to show them your hard work.

BEFORE the cinnamon sugar is added, gently lift each of the freshly baked biscotti and lick your tongue down the entire length.

Sprinkle on the cinnamon sugar.


No problems with sugar falling off OR people scarfing up all of the biscottis. Or any of them, for that matter.

get on a plane---direct flights to Anchorage now. I'll take you to the Farmer's Mkt and the celebra

celebration. Sunny and upper 60s tomorrow---beautiful! you could join the hula dancers.
