Sunday/Weekend Six
Ok really just Sunday because I have no idea what I did yesterday because, well that was yesterday...oh wait that was partly a Katheryn Hepburn marathon on the tele. Did you know in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Kate/Spencer go to Mel's Drive-in of American Graffiti fame? Well now you do.
1a) Hand washed car and considered sorting papers Erin made me think about, but instead successful braided my hair in a 5-strand braid -- can you tell I can't wait for Game of Thrones to be back on the air?
1b) Went to the Farmers Mkt. Late. Late is sometimes a good bargain type thing. Today however they rearranged the whole layout so it was twice as big and really much more difficult to navigate. Scored some freestone peaches reduced to $1.50 a lb (hope they're good as others I tasted weren't) for jam or pie - maybe both, some strawberries, and at the last booth that hadn't closed asked about the tomatoes, was told they had a case price for canning of $12, but it might be reduced since it was end of the day she really wasn't sure (they must've had 20-30 cases still). So instead of buying then, I was nice (because I was feeling all nicey, kind, and loving toward the world given it was Sunday and gotten my fix of Super Soul Sunday from Oprah and all) so instead of taking them right then for $12, offered to wait for the other person working the stand to return just to be sure, who with a stern frownie face upon arrival told me they were $25. So no tomatoes for me. smileys/frown.gif
2) Headed to Sprouts for some fresh OJ and vanilla beans I needed to try out making some jelly for the first time.
This Creamsicle one. They had neither. Or a least I suspect it. When I asked about vanilla beans, the person had to go ask, then directed me to bakery, which of course didn't have it buried in a loaf of bread. So found someone else, but as I waited right in front of them apparently became invisible because they helped 4 people who walked up after - right in front of me. Given my new found transparency, I decided waiting for assistance was futile so departed on to...
3) TJ's. No vanilla beans, so skipped the non-organic fresh OJ from an unknown country and headed to...
4) Whole Foods. Their "fresh" organic squeezed OJ was nearly $10. For ten dollars that stuff should be hand squeezed by virgin nymphs riding unicorns in nowhere but the good ol' USofA. Apparently it wasn't, or at least it wasn't labeled as such, so one doesn't really know does one? Also I was now hungry, really hungry and their deli section for some reason today of all days had nothing a low carb girl could eat for dinner. Not one thing. Fine. FINE. Whatever. Fudge whole foods and their long lines and too many people. Also, I forgot to look for vanilla beans. Yeah, that one was on me. Sooo...
4) Off to Safeway. I hate Safeway. Always. Ok, strongly dislike. Especially the new mega one near me which has lots and lots of all the same thing. Given the lack of selection, I have no idea why it needs to be so big. Of course, it's the land of you must be kidding if you think we might have fresh OJ. Yes, I pretty much knew this going in, but thought I might get lucky with vanilla beans if they had a good international section. No surprise, they did not. It's been awhile since I bought them but I see they now come one to a glass jar. $6 for one. One. Shirley we can do better can't we? (And don't call me Shirley.)
5) Grocery Outlet, because it was close by and I recalled a bigger dried international section. Lots of chiles, but no vanilla bean. Did I mention I was hungry and this place has a cornmeal bbq chicken pizza for $3.99 I love? Oh and looky over there - also a big container of my favorite flavor Bryers ice cream for $2.99.
6) = Low carb meltdown. No fixin's for jelly, but I had ice cream while watching The Newsroom!
Note: no oranges were harmed in the utter failure of attempts to make above jelly.