Saturday Six


Well-known member
It's sunny here! On a Saturday! That's such great news for San Francisco.... We seem to be in our rare Spring pattern of almost summer-like weather for a few days before the summer fog season starts.

I'm heading off shortly to the Cherry Blossom Festival! My friend has been popping tons of popcorn to sell to raise money for her son's (public) elementary school. The popcorn is Sakura popcorn. Think of yummy kettle corn mixed with furikake, a seaweed and savory seasoning sprinkle that is so delicious. They perfect each bag sold, removing unpopped kernels and imperfect ones, an insanely diligent process. Last year the popping committee got reprimanded because an unpopped kernel was found! Oh no! So crazy.

Just watched the Pioneer Woman make chicken strips. I must say I like my version better with the panko and sriracha, but each kid got one strip? That was lunch? I would have died of starvation as a kid, especially after working hard all day doing chores.

Before I head out I'm going to marinade my goat shoulder for dinner tomorrow. I've done a lot of research and thought of birria, then adobo, but then decided to keep it simpler and use a Cuban mojo marinade I've done before for pork. It uses sour orange juice from Miami, I have a bottle of that, garlic and oregano. Then I'll brown it and sort of braise/roast it in my chicken pot, the covered roaster shaped like a chicken from Taylor and Ng from the 60s. It browns the meat and yet keeps it moist, magic!

Been having major food related allergy problems and this time the immunologist is thinking it's from something else, not pollinosis like she thought. After a ton of bloodwork which is still at the lab she found I'm extremely deficient in vitamin D. Until I see her I've been directed to get in the sun more, eat more cold water fish and oysters. This won't make a difference with my level being so low but when I see her next she'll have a plan worked out. She's sending me to a dietitian also to help craft a food plan based on all the restrictions I have. No more raw foods for me right now, and even some cooked vegetables bother me, so I'm trying to think of this as a Fun Challenge. Thank heavens for the top 3 in the food pyramid!

Speaking of, my butcher bag this month is really fine. Duck breasts and a quart of duck stock, a beef shoulder roast, ground pork, a massive pork tbone, cheddar bratwurst, 4 tiny goat chops (for 2 meals), bacon and their chicharonnes. I've also bought into some Mangalitsa pork that is acorn finished! Yum, the meat and fat on these pigs is the most delicious stuff. I'm getting belly, loin and the neck! Can't wait to make bacon. I need to get some pink salt though, any one want to go in on some? Yay bacon!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Ps - the iPad trick to get to the bottom of the page doesn't work for me, I have the New iPad.
