I always thought japapenos were green!
P patbastrop Well-known member Jul 25, 2009 #3 They smoke the red ones to make chilpotle peppers, that's the only thing I can think of!
M michael-in-phoenix Well-known member Jul 26, 2009 #5 Red jalapenos tend to be a little sweeter, but still hot. Steve's on the money.
M michael-in-phoenix Well-known member Jul 26, 2009 #6 I prefer to use the red ones for poppers. I like the sweetness. Raw green ones... ...can taste harsh in an under-ripe sorta way. Marinated, I like 'em either way. Michael
I prefer to use the red ones for poppers. I like the sweetness. Raw green ones... ...can taste harsh in an under-ripe sorta way. Marinated, I like 'em either way. Michael
T tess Well-known member Jul 27, 2009 #7 Question - I have some green ones that went red sitting on the counter does that make them sweeter or do they have to turn red on the vines? Thanks Tess
Question - I have some green ones that went red sitting on the counter does that make them sweeter or do they have to turn red on the vines? Thanks Tess
S steve2-in-la Well-known member Jul 27, 2009 #8 Since the color change indicates ripeness, I'm gonna guess "yes."