Saw this on Twitter & loved it: Ten Unique Afternoon Teas in the UK

Love it! Forwarded on to my tea group. Can I ask a silly ? re: twitter... what does the hash

tag mean? Not surprisingly, I don't twitter, but I think I understand the jist of it. What does the hash tag mean? Do people just arbitrarily make it up instead of saying "regards" or "best wishes"? Or is it a way of sorting through what you are interested in? just curious is the best,

edited to say that 2 of my tea group friends are in the UK now, so they will enjoy your link! (Thanks!)

The hashtag is the main means of searching a topic on Twitter. >>>

For example, if you went to and typed in "#heatwave," you'd probably get a ton of Tweets from New Yorkers and Britons over the last week. smileys/wink.gif It's also handy for conference attendees--often, conference-goers or the organizers will assign a hashtag so that people can follow along, whether they're at the conference or not. (Example.)

However, its second (or, for some, maybe primary) use is as some kind of parenthetical commentary. (I.e., "Seagull stole my hot dog and is now trying to make off with my fries. #notfunny") (This is possibly the lamest example ever, but you get my point.)

It's useful social media if you work in an industry that has a big presence on there (i.e., publishing/media), or if you're building some kind of platform as an author or blogger, etc.

Hope this is of some help. smileys/smile.gif

p.s. One important difference between, say, Facebook and Twitter is that Twitter is asynchronous--you can follow people, and read their Tweets, who aren't following you back.
