Scented Geranium Leaf Ice Cream


Well-known member
Source: Marc
REC: Scented Geranium Leaf Ice Cream

8 (unsprayed) Geranium leaves
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cups (375 ML) whipping/heavy cream
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup (100g) Vanilla sugar (put 4 vanilla beans in a container of sugar and let sit at least one week)

Makes about 2 cups (16 oz) ice cream

Rinse the geranium leaves in cold water and pat dry with kitchen paper. Put the leaves in the saucepan with milk and cream. Stirring, bring to just below boiling point. Remove pan from heat and cover, allowing the flavor to infuse. Taste after 10 minutes to see if the flavor is strong enough, then strain to remove the leaves. In a heatproof bowl, combine the egg yolks and vanilla sugar until they take on a pale color and lighter consistency. Gradually beat in the flavored milk and cream. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water. Stir the custard until it reaches 185 degrees F / 85 Degrees C, or until it has thickened sufficiently to coat the back of a spoon. Plunge the pan into cold water. (If the mixture overheats or boils, the custard may curdle)

Once cooled, the custard can be covered with a circle of lightly buttered greaseproof paper and transferred to the fridge to chill.

Follow instructions for your ice cream maker, and serve alone scattered with fresh or crystallized flower petals or with perfectly ripe strawberries.

NOTE: 3 rose heads may be substituted for the Geranium leaves in this recipe. Be sure to clean them thoroughly to avoid all "wildlife". Rose petals can also be added to the mixture once it is at the ice- cream maker stage
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