"Science and Ice Cream and Dry Ice, Oh My!"


Ice cream recipe is at the bottom of the article. I won't be trying this anytime soon because I have no easy access (or even difficult access) to fresh Jersey cow milk...and like the author, I'd be:

1. Worried about ruining my KitchenAid.

2. Worried about burning a whole in the roof of my mouth with an errant piece of dry ice.

3. Worried that I'm more concerned about the KitchenAid's safety than my own mouth.

But it sure looks fun. If anyone is braver than me and tries it, please post your results.


oh no, doesn't Richard have ownership in a cow/fresh milk and cream?? I think he

might love his mixer too much to try this though. Yikes, this is a scary method.

forget the dry ice, liquid nitrogen is where it's at...

this recipe is far too messy and mistake prone. This one is simple:

Mix up your ice cream base and stir it with liquid nitrogen until you have ice cream.

Your kitchen aid will live to see another day.

My daughter used to do this in chem lab at Ohio State. I don't know proportions, but I think you just keep adding and stirring until it's "right."
