Seasoning salt with Lapsang Souchong


Active member
Hello all! I'm a longtime member/lurker but it's quite rare for me to post. I don't know why I don't post here more often - this place has such amazing members! Anyway... I was in Brussels last week and on impulse bought a few ounces of a seasoning salt with fennel, citrus, and lapsang souchong. Because the tea tends to be smoky, I'm puzzling over what to use this salt on. Maybe pork tenderloin? There aren't any suggestions on the label. Any ideas?



salad / rice / fish

OK first there is a Mediterranean style salad that features citrus and fennel.

Another idea: I was reading an article recently where they cooked rice with various flavors of brewed tea in place of water. Adding this season salt to your rice water could have some pleasant results and you could be as subtle (or not) as you like.

And then my first inclination would be fish.

Oh...the tea has smoky overtones! That's why I don't like it. Thank you for clearing up that

little quirk of mine.
