Julie and Julia...random thoughts...spoilers inside.
Overall, cute movie. I grew up in the diplomatic service, and it really reminded of my mother when we moved to Brussels--trying to learn French as an adult and exploring all the food markets. Mom would have gotten a kick out of this movie.
As usual, Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci acted circles around the youngsters. (See: The Devil Wears Prada.) I liked how the husbands were portrayed as supportive spouses...I think there are lots of husbands like that out there and they don't get enough screen time. We only see the jerks.
But I think the ending fizzled. It seemed very anti-climactic to me to end with them wandering around a Smithsonian exhibit of Julia Child's kitchen. I don't know what I would have done, but I wasn't satisfied with the ending.
The Julie story is clearly the weaker of the two. I was fascinated by the difference in maturity level between the two women. Julie Powell turned 30 over the course of her blog, Julia Child was 38 when she moved to Paris. Eight year shouldn't make such a difference, but I always felt like I was watching an adult when Julia was onscreen. Not so with Julie. She seemed like a whiny brat, having meltdowns over nothing very important. It wasn't clear to me that she grew significantly over the course of the film; perhaps I just wasn't that much invested in her.
Of course, it's partly generational. And the clothes. smileys/smile.gif
It was interesting to me that both women used fairly new technologies to communicate about cooking. TV and the Internet weren't really new, of course, but using TV to teach and blogging were both pretty new applications in their respective times.
I'll stop here before I write an essay...back to work!