Sending photos I hope to identify this pot-can I use it on my gas stove

and last one with explanation

I found this long unused pot in my hubby's workshop. I believe it is what is called Stoneware or Pottery ware? By the looks of the bottom of the pot, it appears I did use it on my electric stove. I know it can be used in the oven, but wondering If I should use it on my gas stove?
I have no recall on cooking with it, so it must be a very long time ago. I love it and want to start using it again. Any info welcomed!

I have no idea, and I cannot believe that I remember nothing about it

except that I know I used it because there is some staining on the inside.I also do not know why it was sent to live on a shelf in the cold garage away from the warmth of a family to cook with it.

Not from Mexico, I have never bought anything there. It is signed on the bottom

cannot make it out because of the dark circle as you see in the picture. I'm thinkingr from Gordons Pottery in Soulsbyville, Ca where I had all my dishes made by their potterer. Am trying to contact them so I can send the picture to see if it was theirs.
