Shaun in TO: your pork tenderloin sandwiches were a big hit!


Well-known member
I made some caramelized onions to go with them. I agree that fresh herbs would have been better, so I'll do that next time. Have you ever sliced the tenderloin in half length-wise? My husband remarked that it was a little hard to eat because the tenderloin was so thick (but he said it tasted great). Thanks so much for posting.

I'm a sucker for following recipes, so yes, I always slice the meat in half. It would indeed be

thick otherwise.

The onions sound like a great addition!

I really wanted to make this, but now I am confused. Would you just use

one half of the horizontaly sliced pork, or would you still use both halves? I have a major problem when you start explaining things like Joe's explanation about folding triangles, etc. Show me and I am fine, but using languange, I space out. I was informed by my sister that not only am I ADD but also OCD, woo hoo! I can't even go there.
