RECIPE: Shaun reminded me. Time for another cocktail. REC: Scarlett O'Hara


Marg CDN

Well-known member
Having just come off a zinging entire week with kidney stone, I learned that I am still harbouring more. This is pain that I experienced 40 years ago, and it was unforgettable. I didn't really need to re-experience it.

So, I start thinking of particular foods. Making some borscht today, some d'Anjou pear tarts....and of course, I bought some cranberry juice.

This is a recipe that has been one of my favourites for years but it was put away for a decade. It is really dependent on the type of cranberry juice one uses. They vary so widely. (not cranberry cocktail)

Scarlett O'Hara:

2 oz. Southern Comfort

2 oz. cranberry juice

1 oz. fresh lime juice

sugar to taste

Shake over ice and serve with one cube of ice.

I add no sugar now, but it does depend on the juice and just how much of a tart you are.

(goes well with morphine)

Oh OUCH! I'd be doing cranberry everything...

Can't they be "zapped" to break them up? I remember Grandpa having that done... Unfortunately, this recipe wouldn't have worked for him...he was a teetotaler and certainly no tart. However, he did have a farm and we never went hungry again ;o)

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed re your remaining stones!

Drink only while wearing a dress made from curtains! smileys/wink.gif

Sorry to hear about your kidney stones, Marg; those are awfully painful.
This cocktail is a great excuse to drink cranberry juice, though! Many thanks for the recipe.
