I used to keep a rubber chicken in my car,
I used to waggle it at people when they cut me off! Anyway, very silly but it helped the commute. But there was one meter maid who apparently thought otherwise, so bizarre. She would write me tickets saying I didn't have a neighborhood permit sticker, when I did. It irked me so much, finally one day my stepdad was walking and saw her ticket my car, again, he pointed out the sticker and she said: "that rubber chicken in the window is insulting and I won't take it." WTF?? So when I went to the parking ticket mini court window for a hearing and to ask for the tickets to be forgiven I told the judge this story. Of course all the tickets were forgiven. The third time I went he remembered me as the rubber chicken girl! I wonder if that meter maid ever got in trouble?? My car got stolen shortly thereafter, the thieves stripped the car, including the rubber chicken, the officer taking the report thought that was pretty funny.
I love the trumpet story, that's hilarious!!!
I'm thinking of knitting a rubber chicken and using it as a garnish for *something* cooked, maybe coq au vin?